The BJES Sports day Arrupe Cup 2023 was conducted on 4th February 2023. The BJES Sports day was Inaugurated by Mr Hakimuddin Shabbir Habibulla,Indian Olympian All the BJES Unit from Bangalore(SJU,SJCC,SJPUC,SJBHS,SJIM,SJCL,SJEC,SJPUC,BEMBALA,LOYOLA INSTITUTION )participated in various events like Cricket, Throw Ball, Flashmob,Badminton, Table Tennis etc . .All the units took part in the event with sportsman Zeal. During the programme Rev Fr Brian Preeira SJ The Vice-President of BJES, Rev Fr Joy Rodrigues SJ the Secretary and Treasurer of BJES , Rev Fr Dr Victor Lobo SJ ,The Vice-Chancellor, SJU were present. The Day Concluded with Prize distribution.