"Everyone needs a break to recharge, refuel and jump back again.." It's rightly said and practiced in our institution. St Joseph's Pre University Evening College, Bengaluru staff members had a privilege of a fun day with Josephite family in Shilhaandara Resort near Ramanagar on 05th March 2023. One day picnic was organised for the staff members to relax themselves and to build a good rapport with their colleagues. All staff members enjoyed their day by exploring a lot of games, dancing, and food. It was a wonderful experience to bring that joy in all the members' faces for the day. It also helped the staff members to build their rapport with each other and understand everyone.
We take this opportunity to thank Rev. Fr. Roshan David Pereira SJ, our Director for making it possible and supporting in every possible way. We wholeheartedly thank Mr. Victor Anthony, the Principal and Ms. Nirma D'Souza, the Vice - Principal for their continuous support and guidance