Intellectually, socially and religiously to a level that reflects responsibility for his own growth as opposed to a passive, drifting and selfish attitude. The student has to begin to reach out towards his development, seeking opportunities to expand his mind, imagination, feelings and religious consciousness. One needs to learn to move beyond self-interest or self –centeredness in relation to others and reflect the confidence and freedom of a mature person.
The primary aim of our education is to strengthen the base for academic excellence. It does not limit itself to the level of high percentage results, but to the extent we are able to train persons into various strata of knowledge. This is done through various associations and activities which are intellectually oriented such as quiz, debate, lecture contest and the like. All the students are encouraged to use the opportunities and strive to become intellectually vibrant persons.
Moral growth of adolescents happens in stages. They may be easily influenced by peers or by environmental cues, but most teens grow to assert impressive measures of responsibility in their moral growth. Through counselling and HRD classes the College ensures that our students develop a sound value system and become morally responsible persons.
Adolescence marks the transition from childhood to adulthood, and it involves physiological and harmonal changes, these bodily changes affect their emotions. In order to facilitate smoother and safer transition from childhood to adulthood, the College counsellors and teachers assist them in their journey towards becoming responsible and emotionally healthy persons.
Character development is the essential aspect of education. A person is what his/her values are. Your character includes your behaviour, your values and attitude towards life and others and the way you face life. The time you spend in the College is the period when you have to build up your character, a sense of hard work, perseverance, honesty, integrity, sensitivity to others and universal love that embraces all people, cutting across barriers of language, religion and caste. As a help to this, you have programmes in human Resource Development, Business Ethics and Value Education. Essential to any character formation is self discipline. Lack of discipline in the College results in chaos and disorder where learning becomes impossible. The rules of discipline in the College are meant for social well being, order and harmony. You will find them conducive for academic life if you personalize them in the right spirit.
St. Joseph's Pre – University College expects its students to develop a patriotic spirit. This would mean, a deep appreciation of the cultural heritage of the country and the capacity to transcend parochial, communal and regional feelings and sentiments. A secular and democratic outlook with a deep loyalty to the nation and an awareness of the social, economic and political trends gives the students the realization of the great task ahead of them as responsible citizens.
Our objective of education involves promoting nationalistic growth. The students are expected to be aware of the Nation's history and events. The celebration of the National festivals like Independence Day, Republic Day, Martyr's Day; the study of national leaders, the importance and the dignity of the national flag makes the students proud of our national heritage. Promotion of national spirit has been at the forefront of our educational training.
Sustainable development is the need of the hour. We create awareness on the need to protect our environment and combat further depletion of natural resources and climatic change, by adopting eco friendly life style. By making environmental education, a part of our formal curriculum, students are sensitized towards environmental issues related to ecological security.